Painting of steel structures
We execute orders for agriculture, woodworking plants and recycling, construction, engineering, etc.
Varveton offers services on metal construction and metal products painting, and also their preliminary preparation under any types of paint. For this is used shot blasting purpose clearing of metal.
The full cycle of production painting allows us to control the quality of services at each stage, and modern equipment for metal painting processing helps to painting metal structures of any complexity. We offer services for cleaning and painting of containers. Including abrasive cleaning of food and petroleum product tanks and pressure vessels, as well as painting of food tanks and cleaning of bunkering tanks.
We provide comprehensive services to the object in the EU, Russia and the CIS, if you are at the beginning of the design, we will help you understand the project and calculate the estimate correctly
Learn about the servicesProjekt ``Varveton OÜ metallkonstruktsioonide antikorrosioonikaitse teenuse pakkumine`` sai tuge RTK Starditoetuse meetmest. Toetuse eesmärk on soetada professionaalsed metallkonstruktsioonide värvimise seadmed, tänu millele saab suurendada tootmisvõimsust ja parendada kvaliteeti.Toetuse summa on 15 000 eurot.
- success is guaranteed
Creative ideas, and how to make
Super Safety Painting process
Our team is available for any questions you may have regarding production painting